Shipping Information From my experience with different shippers, I've had the best service and reliability with United States Postal Service (no kidding!) I STONGLY DISCOURAGE using UPS or FedEx for sending your Bible or treasured book to me! A package was once sent to me FedEx 2nd day express. The FedEx delivery person didn't bother to knock on the door! He/she just left a yellow sticker saying "attempted delivery"! I found the sticker the next day on the front door to our house, not on the door to the bindery accessible via the front garage door with the large "Special Bindings" sign on it! UPS delivered a box (with a 150
year old family Bible) to the wrong address and it was returned to the local UPS store in
St. Paul and the box sat at the store without anyone notifying me. Only after an
understandibly very anxious phone call from the customer wondering why their Bible wasn't
delivered yet (in Florida), I called the UPS store here and, "oh yah, we have the box
here." I went to the UPS store and gave the clerk the corrected address.
Looking at the original box, UPS opened it to look inside (something USPS would never do)
and the box When you send your treasured book
to me USPS, send it insured (so they have a number on it and it is treated as an
"outside" parcel (meaning they separate it from the usual parcel post packages).